Monday, April 19, 2010

Rainy Weekend

Hi! It was a rainy weekend, but we went to a our friends 2 year old birthday party! Cade had a great time! He is a little awnry dude, but so cute!!!! The theme was strawberry shortcake and it was so cute!!! I also got to run a couple of times and I went to Bodypump on Saturday morning! Of course there was a line out the door because the gym doesn't open until 8am and the class started at 8:15am. So everyone wants to get there early and get their spot and weights setup! There was this lady next to me that asked if this was my first time during the sqauts portion because I didn't have alot of weight on my bar! I said kindly to her, No, I only get to go about once every 2 weeks because I have a baby. She ignored me! How rude was it to ask me if this was my first time since the weight on my bar was so light! Oh well! I am excited! Next weekend I get to go to Illinois to celebrate my bestie getting married! I am so excited for this next chapter in her life and want her to have babies right away so I can love on them!!!! The picture is of my girls from back home about 15 years ago or so!!!